Fauci Under Fire for Cruel Experiments on Sick…

According to a letter signed by 24 legislators, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci funded cruelty experiments on dogs as young a six-week-old to test antiparasitic treatments. In order to test…

Supreme Court Delivers Crushing Blow To Black Lives…

Two crushing blows were dealt by the Supreme Court to the radical left-leaning political agenda of the Black Lives Matter Movement. This week, police officers received two rulings. Both cases involved incidents of excessive force and qualified…

Maxine Waters Caught Funneling Campaign Cash to Her…

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Maxine Waters D-Calif. has paid her daughter tens to thousands more in campaign funds this past year. We have reviewed campaign finance records and found that Karen Waters, the congresswoman, received $74,000…

Senate GOP Again Blocks Democrats Election Bill

Senate Democrats tried Wednesday to pass broad elections legislation. They claim it is a powerful counterweight for new restrictions on voting in the US. They were again blocked by the Republicans. However, there are signs…