Pelosi Promotes $15 Minimum Wage on Labor Day

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is using Labor Day--a holiday meant to celebrate American workers--as a chance to again push for a long-sought hike in the federal minimum wage. "For generations, working people joining together in…

Biden Is On Vacation While 6 Planes With…

While President Joe Biden is resting at home in Delaware, six Taliban planes are being held hostage by the Taliban in Northern Afghanistan. Retired Special Forces personnel and veterans are taking matters into their own…

High-tech Virtual Wall Is The Latest Defense At…

The feds have turned to cutting-edge cameras developed by a virtual-reality wunderkind to help them monitor the southern border -- by creating an invisible border wall. The high-tech watch poles known as Autonomous Surveillance Towers are powered…

The Left is Absolutely Losing It Over Texas…

The Democratic Party simply cannot imagine a world where, in the immortal words of former President Bill Clinton, abortion is "safe, legal, and rare." Late Wednesday night, the Supreme Court handed the organized left a…