/Dr. Fauci Says You No Longer Get A “Choice” Regarding Masks

Dr. Fauci Says You No Longer Get A “Choice” Regarding Masks

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the head of President Biden’s COVID-19 response. He stated that he “respectfully” disagrees with the notion of masks being a personal decision. This suggests that he might support government intervention that forces people into wearing masks, even if they have been vaccinated.

Fauci spoke to ABC’s “This Week” and stated that he disagrees the Centers for Disease Control’s call for people who were vaccinated to wear masks in public spaces. Fauci is also the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He said that each person has individual responsibilities that affect others. Fauci stated that infection is on the rise and affects everyone. However, it is different when dealing with a public health problem.

Fauci stated that a person’s decision to not wear a mask does not affect them alone, but also everyone around them as they could infect someone else who is more vulnerable.

But does that mean we should ignore the whole point of individual rights?

The White House is launching a new push to get people to get the vaccine. It announced $100-per-vaccine incentives for states that are willing and endorsed the Centers for Disease Control’s recent recommendations regarding mask-wearing. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio announced a plan that would deny non-vaccinated persons access to indoor dining, gyms and entertainment venues.

It seems as though the entire government and political establishment is teaming up to force people to take the vaccine even if they have legitimate concerns about taking it.

This is precisely why President Donald Trump butted heads with Fauci so often…

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