/Biden Slammed For Hiding While Afghanistan Government Crumbles

Biden Slammed For Hiding While Afghanistan Government Crumbles

Where’s Joe Biden?

Biden vanished from Washington, D.C. over the weekend as he preemptively withdrawn U.S. troops from Afghanistan and allowed Taliban militants to overrun Kabul to take control of the region.

The lives of American citizens were put at risk at the embassy. According to reports, the flag was taken down and that the U.S. ambassador fled. It is very likely that the Taliban will terrorize its own people, particularly women and girls. They are likely to kill anyone who has helped us.

Biden left D.C. for Camp David, the presidential retreat. Biden was criticized for being “in hiding” and “on vacation” during the terrible events in Afghanistan.

Senator Tom Cotton immediately called out the president, declaring: “Why is Joe Biden in hiding?”

“He should immediately address the nation and answer for the catastrophic situation in Afghanistan,” Cotton conintueConference calls between cabinet secretaries and senators don’t cut it in a crisis,” Sen Tom Cotton (R-AR) said.

Cotton, who graduated both from Harvard College and Harvard Law School, was also an infantry officer in June. He rose to the rank captain before being discharged honorably in 2009. Cotton served two tours with the U.S. Army, one in Iraq and another in Afghanistan. Cotton received the Bronze Star as well as the Combat Infantryman Badge.

Rep. Jim Jordan echoed Cotton’s remark by saying, “America’s in crisis. Afghanistan’s in chaos. Why’s Joe Biden on vacation?”

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) said, “On the conference call briefing for members of Congress with Biden officials. It’s clear the Biden administration was caught unprepared, didn’t anticipate this catastrophe and the President is hiding & asleep at the wheel.”

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