/Parliament Decides to Hold Biden in Contempt Over Afghanistan

Parliament Decides to Hold Biden in Contempt Over Afghanistan

It is not surprising that the UK appears to have a Major problem with Joe Biden

Donald Trump noted that the botched withdrawal by U.S. troops in Afghanistan of Biden was “the most embarrassing moment in American history.”

“What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary,” Trump said. “It will go down as one of the greatest defeats in American history!”

“It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen in Afghanistan,” Trump stated, “along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and our crippled economy.”

American citizens are not the only people dealing with the devastating consequences of Biden’s incompetent and disastrous decision-making. Currently, between 10,000 and 15,000 American citizens are trapped within the borders of a country now controlled by terrorists — the Taliban.

According to reports, the Taliban have set up checkpoints in an attempt to beat people trying to get to the airport to evacuate.

According to other reports, the Taliban has a hit list of Christians that it is targeting and going door-to-door. According to reports, the Taliban is looking at cell phones with bible apps and threatens to kill anyone who downloads the Bible app.

The U.K. is also facing a desperate race for evacuation of 6,000 Britons, The Daily Mail reports that Afghans are eligible to apply amid scenes of Islamist fanatics and stampeding crowds.

The British Houses of Parliament decided to hold Biden’s handling of the situation in contempt.

Lawmakers condemning his withdrawal plan as “catastrophic” and “shameful,” according to The Telegraph.

What does Biden do during times of crisis?

He is spending considerable time on vacation. As Daily Wire notes, “Biden has avoided answering questions from reporters during two brief sets of remarks that he gave to the media this week and he has spent a significant portion of time during this crisis on vacation in Delaware, where his administration refuses to disclose who he meets with.”

Biden is on vacation, refusing to answer questions from the media while thousands of Americans remain trapped in Afghanistan after the Taliban take control.

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