/Moderate House Dems Revolt And Force Pelosi to Scrap Key Vote

Moderate House Dems Revolt And Force Pelosi to Scrap Key Vote

Democrats are an “Internal revolt” Against Pelosi.

According to The Atlantic, reports are circulating that Pelosi may resign in the “not so distant future.” In the meantime, Pelosi is struggling to pass key legislation with House Democrats.

House Democrats are desperate to pass their $3.5 Trillion budget. But so-called moderate Democrats started an “internal rebellion” to stop a vote.

“Moderate” Democrats want to wait for the infrastructure bill to be passed before they vote on the $3.5 trillion budget.

Pelosi and the top-ranking Democrats abandoned plans to vote on the budget proposal because of the revolt.

“Frantic negotiations to quell a growing rift in the party were unsuccessful,” Western Journal notes.

Moderate Democrats were able to block Pelosi’s plan.

Fox News’ Miranda Devine notes that argued that Pelosi’s days are clearly numbered.

Pelosi “used to point her angry finger at Donald Trump,” Devine writes, “but she leaves him in the dust when it comes to busting norms, dividing Congress and causing mayhem.”

Pelosi has seen everything change. Pelosi is now accused of causing “hyper-partisanship” Washington, DC As House Speaker.

Pelosi is accused in a misuse of her power that was once unimaginable.

Even worse, Pelosi shares her own guilt In the events of January 6.

Devine stated, “Most obviously, what was her [Pelosi’s] reason for leaving the Capitol Police outnumbered and unprotected?” Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana stated, “Nancy Pelosi is not interested in an investigation. She’s only interested in a narrative.”

Bank Added, “Once you go up to the top of the flagpole of who is in charge of the Capitol Police … Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol Police than anyone else in the United States Capitol.”

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