/The Left is Absolutely Losing It Over Texas Abortion Law

The Left is Absolutely Losing It Over Texas Abortion Law

The Democratic Party simply cannot imagine a world where, in the immortal words of former President Bill Clinton, abortion is “safe, legal, and rare.”

Late Wednesday night, the Supreme Court handed the organized left a shocking moral and legal loss by basically upholding Texas’ Heartbeat Law. Numerous state abortion providers brought lawsuits against the legislation. It gives expectant mothers six weeks in which to decide whether to end the life of a child who is still developing.

As National Review notes, the 5-4 decision “came down along ideological lines, with Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court’s three liberal justices dissenting.”

“The applicants now before us have raised serious questions regarding the constitutionality of the Texas law at issue,” the court’s majority wrote. “But their application also presents complex and novel antecedent procedural questions on which they have not carried their burden.”

“In reaching this conclusion, we stress that we do not purport to resolve definitively any jurisdictional or substantive claim in the applicants’ lawsuit,” the decision said. “In particular, this order is not based on any conclusion about the constitutionality of Texas’s law, and in no way limits other procedurally proper challenges to the Texas law, including in Texas state courts.”

This decision prevents a Mississippi case from being heard in October. It could decide the constitutionality of the issue. Roe v. Wade was reportedly addressed in an opinion that many legal scholars consider to be flawed and unreliable.

Democratic politicians have exhibited apocalyptic piety following the Supreme Court’s Texas heartbeat law decision. Governor Gavin Newsom tried to make it a campaign issue for deep blue California.

“Texas has effectively banned a woman’s right to choose,” Newsom wrote. “Passed the worst voter suppression law in the country. And continue to push anti-science COVID laws that put lives at risk. This could be the future of CA if we don’t vote NO on the Republican Recall by 9/14. VOTE.”

It should be noted that Newsom has ignored the rights of citizens to make their own health decisions throughout his time in office.

Vice President Kamala Harris remarked that the bill will “disprortionately affect communities of color” (true, since it will save more of their children’s lives), but also that it violates a ‘constitutional right.’

This is a remark that should make someone ineligible to pass a state bar exam, let alone be a state attorney general. But President Biden also made the legally ignorant claim:

Today, Texas law SB8 went into effect. This extreme Texas law blatantly violates the constitutional right established under Roe v. Wade and upheld as precedent for nearly half a century. The Texas law will significantly impair women’s access to the health care they need, particularly for communities of color and individuals with low incomes. 

Needless to say, there can be no Constitutional right that is not contained or implied in the Constitution or an amendment passed into law. The Supreme Court is not empowered to make law. But the state legislatures do have that power.

Beyond the stalwarts in the Democratic Party, the organized left has lashed out against Texas’ law with extreme rancor.

“The extreme abortion law in Texas is exactly why we need to keep a Senate with the power to appoint Supreme Court justices that respect a woman’s right to choose,” Ralph Warnock said. A “reverend” who is pro-abortion. That’s a new one.

However, there was overwhelming support for the Supreme Court’s decision to not intervene against Texas’ Heartbeat Law.

Biden’s administration clearly wants to grab attention to any domestic issue that will help Afghanistan escape the news. The Supreme Court’s decision means that the White House will be playing defense of conservatives’ moral ground.

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