/Biden Announces Sweeping New Vaccine Mandates for 100 Million Americans

Biden Announces Sweeping New Vaccine Mandates for 100 Million Americans

Joe Biden is taking his most forceful — and most alarming — pandemic action yet.

Biden has ordered private employees to get the coronavirus vaccine in an unprecedented move.

This “new federal vaccination requirement” affects as many as 100,000,000 Americans.

This order has a significant impact on private-sector workers, health care workers, federal contractors, and other federal employees.

This is Biden’s “all-out effort” to combat coronavirus, AP reports.

Biden has ridiculed the tens of million Americans who have not been vaccinated.

Biden is angry at Americans who refuse to get the vaccine after months of it being available and offering incentives.

Tens of millions of Americans prefer to see their doctor and make their own decisions about what to do with the body.

At first, Biden went after our active-duty U.S. troops by forcing them to take the Covid vaccine drug via a shot in the arm.

All 1.3 Million service personnel were required to have the shot in August.

Joe insulted Americans by claiming they are stupid if they don’t choose to get the vaccine.

“You’re not nearly as smart as I thought you were,” Biden said to those who were unvaccinated in July of 2021.

The nation’s largest retailer — Walmart — pushed the Democrats’ agenda by forcing only US-based corporate employees to be vaccinated by October 4th in order to return to work.

Walmart doubled its vaccine incentive to $150. They literally pay people to use the drug. It seems that the original incentive of $75 wasn’t enough.

Another one of America’s largest employers — Disney — quickly followed suit by forcing employees to be vaccinated.

Employers should set up intrusive verification processes to verify that employees have been vaccinated.

Biden has ordered all federal workers and contractors to get the coronavirus vaccine. Biden has a new, “hard-line” approach to vaccination with his administration.

CNN reports that Biden will sign an executive order to force this on federal employees. No matter what your reason, there will be no way to “opt out” from the requirement.

Biden is now attempting to exert his control over the private sector, forcing employees of private businesses to get vaccinated.

It is not clear if this unusual action is legal. Critics claim that there will be many legal challenges against the Biden administration in court.

In issuing this order, Biden said, “We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us.”

Biden argues the unvaccinated minority “can cause a lot of damage, and they are.”

“We are in the tough stretch and it could last for a while,” Biden stated.

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