/Tweet By Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Sets the Internet Ablaze

Tweet By Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Sets the Internet Ablaze

He is known for being one of the toughest men on the planet.

Robert O’Neill is an ex-Navy SEAL from the United States who killed Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda leader. He has lit up the Internet.

O’Neill tweeted a viral tweet the day after September 11th’s 20th anniversary.

“20 years after 9/11. The Taliban controls Afghanistan. The guy who killed bin Laden is on a no-fly list,” he wrote.

It was liked by over 50,000 people and retweeted more than 12,000 times.

Here’s the tweet:

O’Neill claimed that he was expelled from Delta Air Lines in August for not wearing a mask, as required.

O’Neill snapped a selfie on a flight, with a passenger and flight attendant. The caption was “I’m no p***y.”

“I just got banned from [Delta] for posting a picture. Wow,” O’Neill wrote to social media a few days later.

Delta’s spokesperson confirmed the ban.

“Part of every customer’s commitment prior to traveling on Delta is the requirement to acknowledge our updated travel policies, which includes wearing a mask,” Delta stated.

O’Neill has been calling for Joe Biden’s impeachment over Afghanistan.

13 U.S. military personnel were killed by Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan of U.S. troops. Biden surrendered to the Taliban and also left behind between 100-200 American citizens.

O’Neill said, “Look, I don’t want to be in charge, but if I was, oh, I want to get the Americans? Cool. Give me nine guys.”

He continued to state, “I’m going to walk through the streets and I’m going to kill everyone I see and I’m gonna grab the Americans. It is not difficult. But we have these people who are in charge that are a disgrace.”

“I’m amazed that there hasn’t been at least 30 generals and admirals that haven’t resigned or been fired today,” he added.

“This is nonsense. It’s insulting,” O’Neill said.

“Every veteran, Marine, Airman, and Navy SEAL, Coast Guardsmen, everyone I’ve talked to today, all they tell me is they feel gross. And that’s how you should feel, you should feel gross. We don’t ask the Taliban permission. You know what we do? We kick their ass. That’s it.”

“I’m very, very angry because over 400 combat missions in so many different fields of combat, I have never once lost a fight. My team has never lost a fight. I don’t know any Marine who’s lost a fight, and that includes the Taliban,” he continued.

Taken From The Daily Wire:

According to its website, Delta requires masks for both employees and customers. “Delta customers and employees are required to wear a face mask, or appropriate cloth face covering over their nose and mouth throughout their travel, aligning with best practice guidelines from the CDC,” their COVID-19 FAQ reads in part.

O’Neill’s tweet drew scorn from the mainstream media, including from Dan Saltzstein, a New York Times deputy editor, who wrote, “I don’t know this guy but: counterpoint, you might just be because you’re not willing to sacrifice and be a little uncomfortable for your fellow humans (including that marine behind you)!”

Saltzstein later deleted his tweet and honored O’Neill’s heroism and sacrifice for his country, but maintained his criticism.

“I deleted a previous version of this tweet because I broke my own rule about name-calling. So let me try again: I honor O’Neill for his sacrifices to his country and his heroism. It’s sad that he can’t extend the same for the safety of his fellow passengers,” he wrote.

I deleted a previous version of this tweet because I broke my own rule about name-calling. So let me try again: I honor O’Neill for his sacrifices to his country and his heroism. It’s sad that he can’t extend the same for the safety of his fellow passengers. pic.twitter.com/DxlUluIdX6

— Dan Saltzstein (@dansaltzstein) August 19, 2020

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