/Nancy Pelosi is Clearly Pissed When Asked About VA Election Results

Nancy Pelosi is Clearly Pissed When Asked About VA Election Results

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, isn’t taking Election Night 2021 very well. She was a bit snarky when she was asked about the results of last night on Capitol Hill.

“Does it change the agenda for the House, now?” a reporter asked.

“No,” she said and then walked away.

“Pelosi’s reaction to last night’s results is priceless,” Benny Johnson tweeted. “She’s pissed.”

It’s evident that Tuesday’s election result was a political earthquake that had ramifications for the rest of the U.S. Congressional session.

This week, Senator Joe Manchin, a moderate senator, was resistant to the Democrats’ large legislative demands.

“To be clear, I will not support the reconciliation legislation without knowing how the bill would impact our debt and our economy and our country,” Manchin said during a Monday press conference. “We won’t know that until we work through the text.”

Manchin was actually asked his reaction to the elections of last night. It was not good for the Pelosi/Schumer/Biden agenda.

The fact that a lot of the Democrats’ radical agendas are dead is what is “going on”. It is something that Nancy Pelosi, a very “pissed” woman, knows.

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