On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, shocking the whole world. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is motivated by the mistaken belief that Ukraine is a part of Russia and must be freed from ‘Nazism’.
There have been several claims of crimes against humanity and war crimes since Putin’s forces invaded Ukraine. Women, men, and children from Ukraine have experienced horrific tragedies such as torture, sexual assault, brutal murder, displacement, and more.
I think we can all agree that after the US assassinated Ayman al-Zawahiri via drone strike, the top terrorist alive is now Vladimir Putin.
— Oleksiy Sorokin (@mrsorokaa) August 2, 2022
Numerous sanctions have been imposed on the Russian government as a result of Putin’s conduct. Many companies have also stopped doing business in Russia and have left the country.
There have been allegations of the Russian tyrant having a number of health issues as all of this is going on. Now, a senior Ukrainian official accuses Putin of deploying a body double behind the scenes to make public appearances.
Putin was replaced by a BODY DOUBLE while he looked awkward as he came down the steps of his presidential plane in Tehran, Ukrainian sources noted he moved unusually quickly & was more alert than in prior public appearances. Look at the moment of his exit from the plane. pic.twitter.com/FXTBp1nVCy
— AppleSeed (@AppleSeedTX) July 24, 2022
Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, head of military intelligence for Ukraine, recently issued a warning that not everything about Putin is as it seems.
In a television interview, Budanov said that Putin’s height, walk, ears, and mannerisms have changed in recent public appearances. Budanov thinks Putin is hiding his medical concerns by hiring a body double because of these factors.
Putin reportedly has Parkinson’s disease, blood cancer, and potentially other health difficulties. Budanov advises those who are dubious about his assertions to look for variations in Putin’s actions while he is out and about.
The head of Ukrainian military intelligence also alluded to a Putin body double earlier this year, highlighting the sudden change in personality of the Russian despot.
The Russian president may be facing more concerns than only his rumored health troubles.
Since his invasion of Ukraine, according to several accounts, Putin has been the target of assassination attempts; nevertheless, the Russian president’s prior career as a KGB officer probably helped him fend off numerous attempts on his life.