/Biden Angrily Vilifies 100 Million Unvaccinated Americans

Biden Angrily Vilifies 100 Million Unvaccinated Americans

It was undoubtedly another bizarre press conference. Joe Biden, an erratic and sometimes angry man, squinted and sputtered his way through yet another terrible public statement, without answering any questions.

However, Biden managed to dehumanize over 100 million citizens who, for a variety of reasons, have chosen not to receive any vaccines.

The Biden gang used the press conferment days before 9/11 to fool the public by using the pandemic again as a pretext.DistractingThe public should be disengaged from the Afghanistan crisis. This includes the stupid release within the country of Afghan evacuees who have not been vetted. It darkly and ironically coincides with 9/11.

As expected, both GOP legislators and state governors succumbed to the trick. However, rightly appalled by Biden’s unconstitutional attempt to force unvaccinated citizens into compliance or else.

Meandering his way through the news conference on Thursday, Biden announced that he will somehow mandate private employers with more than 100 employees to get vaccinated within 75 days. You can either comply or face the consequences. These are yet to be announced.

This mandate is expected to have a direct impact on the private sector. It will affect up to 100 million Americans in a variety of jobs, including health care.

This is absolutely unconstitutional,” Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky, wrote in a tweet, attaching a link to the news.

Mandates are not the answer,” Rep. Neal Dunn, R-Fla., said in response. “Getting the vaccine should be up to you and your doctor, not the federal government.”

Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert also responded to Biden’s draconian mandate stating on social media; “All 9 million federal employees should consult with their doctor and make a personal, informed decision about taking the vaccine.”

Adding, “Instead, Sleepy Joe says take it or else… You don’t lead by coercion. Biden has failed as a leader in every way.”

Fox News’ Greg Murphy, a North Carolina congressman and one of few remaining practicing physicians in Congress, stated that private citizens shouldn’t be forced to get vaccinated. He said that the decision should be made by the individual and not the government.

As I have repeatedly said, the decision about whether or not to take the COVID-19 vaccine, like every other medical decision, is one that should be made between a patient and a doctor,” Murphy said. “The government does not know what is best for each patient, nor do they have the authority to dictate patient-doctor health care decisions.”

Biden’s tough stand was however greeted by progressives, praising the 78-year old declining politician, for taking, “off the soft gloves.”

NBC reporter Sahil Kapur tweeted, “In sum, Biden is done saying pretty please on vaccines. He’s calling out unvaccinated people and blaming those who stoke vaccine rejection for America’s current predicament, using power to require federal workers and contractors + other employers to vaccinate and/or test.

Another joyful progressive MSNBC’s analyst Matthew Miller snidely remarked, “Enjoying the angry dad vibes from this Biden speech. He is turning the damn car around.”

Perhaps I’m being a tad cynical. This vaccine mandate, however, appears to be a continuing gift to the Biden gang and can be pulled out whenever the White House feels the need to distract from yet another Biden disaster.

Biden is also successfully moving on from his self-inflicted incompetence and mismanagement regarding his withdrawal from Afghanistan with the support of mainstream media. It will be remembered as one of America’s darkest chapters.

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