/Biden Caught Telling Blatant Lie on National TV about His Past

Biden Caught Telling Blatant Lie on National TV about His Past

Joe Biden appeared on a broadcast from the White House and lied directly to the American people.

Biden tells a lengthy story about how he decided to run for office.

The comment was made during a lengthy story about the White House’s 2021 State and National Teachers of the Year events.

“Joe Biden baselessly claims he was involved in civil rights movement,” the First TV network writes to Twitter.

Biden claims that Dr. Ingersoll, a University of Delaware professor, advised him to run.

BiBiden explained that Dr. Ingersoll told him, “The penalty good people pay for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves.”

Then came the lie: “And he looked at me, and he said, ‘Joe, you should run.’ I said, ‘But I — I feel strongly about all of these issues, but I…’ I had gotten involved in the civil rights movement and the wa- — but I —.”

“He said, ‘Joe, you should do it,’” Biden continued.

“He had enough confidence in me that he gave me confidence in myself. With a kid with no money, coming from a middle-class family, who grew up in grade school stuttering, literally — for me, I’m confident I would have never done it were it not for Dr. Ingersoll.”

Watch the clip:

Biden was not involved in civil rights movements in any meaningful way, that is the problem.

Biden admitted to this fact.

Biden previously noted, “During the 1960s, I was in fact very concerned about the civil rights movement. I was not an activist.”

Biden continued, “I worked at an all-black swimming pool in the east side of Wilmington, Delaware. I was involved in what they were thinking, what they were feeling. I was involved, but I was not out marching.”“I was not down in Selma, I was not anywhere else,” Biden added. “I was a suburbanite kid who got a dose of exposure to what was happening to black Americans in my own city.”

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