/Biden Rejects To Give Troops Who Refuse Vax an Honorable Discharge

Biden Rejects To Give Troops Who Refuse Vax an Honorable Discharge

Joe Biden is forcing active-duty U.S. soldiers to receive the Covid vaccine via a shot in their arm.

This affects 1.3 million service personnel.

The Biden administration believes that any service member who refuses to take the vaccine or refuses to comply with it should be discharged.

Republican Rep. Mark Green, Tennessee, introduced a provision that would prohibit the Pentagon from discharging any service member who refuses to receive the vaccine.

The White House “forcefully refused” this provision of the National Defense Authorization Act, (NDAA).

“Any discharge other than honorable denotes a dereliction of duty or a failure to serve the United States and its people to the best of the ability of an individual,” the provision states.

Green responded to the White House’s rejection of his application by stating that he was “appalled.”

This provision was supported by all parties. Green explained that it was approved by every Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee.

“No American who raises their hand to serve our Nation should be punished for making a highly personal medical decision,” Green stated.

Biden also ordered private employees to get the coronavirus vaccine in an unprecedented move. This “new federal vaccine requirement” could have an impact on as many as 100,000,000 Americans.

Biden has insulted and ridiculed tens of millions of Americans who have not been vaccinated. Biden told those unvaccinated in July 2021, “You’re not nearly so smart as I thought”

Biden is angry at Americans who refuse to get the vaccine after months of it being available and offering incentives. Tens of millions of Americans prefer to see their doctor and make their own decisions about what to do with themselves.

Walmart, the nation’s largest retailer, pushed the Democrat’s agenda by requiring only US-based corporate workers to be vaccinated before October 4th to allow them to return to work.

Walmart has doubled the amount of its vaccine incentive to $150 They literally pay people to use the drug. It seems that the original incentive of $75 wasn’t enough.

Another one of America’s largest employers — Disney — quickly followed suit by forcing employees to be vaccinated.

Employers should set up intrusive verification processes to verify that employees have been vaccinated.

Biden is mandating all federal employees and contractors receive the coronavirus vaccination. Biden is taking a new “hard-line approach” with his administration regarding the vaccination.

CNN reports that Biden will sign an executive order to force this on federal employees. There will reportedly be no option to “opt out” of the requirement, regardless of your reasoning.

Biden is now attempting to exert his control over the private sector, forcing employees of private businesses to get vaccinated.

It is not clear if this unusual action is legal. Critics claim that there will be many legal challenges against the Biden administration in court.

In issuing this order, Biden stated, “We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us.” Biden argues the unvaccinated minority “can cause a lot of damage, and they are.”

Arizona already has at least one lawsuit against Biden’s mandate for vaccines on private employers.

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