/Biden To Be Hit With Lawsuit For Failing To Protect Southern Border

Biden To Be Hit With Lawsuit For Failing To Protect Southern Border

According to Townhall.com, a coalition is being formed by citizens from Val Verde County in Texas to sue Joe Biden for mishandling the situation on the southern border.

After a large influx of illegal immigrants had flooded the area, citizens of Val Verde County voted unanimously to file a lawsuit.

Border Patrol agents and local enforcement are severely undermanned and lack the resources to arrest illegally crossing immigrants and process asylum seekers.

According to reports, the Border Patrol facilities in the area are already full beyond their capacity. There is no alternative place for people to live other than under one bridge.

A camp located under a Texas bridge has been called “Bidenville” and can house up to 15,000 immigrants

Many of the immigrants being processed at the border are being returned to their homeland. Numerous thousands of Haitians were deported despite the fact that many had established residence in South America since fleeing Haiti.

Beau Nettleton, the commissioner of Val Verde said; “We’ve talked about immigration reform for as long as I can remember. Both parties have had control of Washington at one point or another over the last 20 years, and we have failed to do anything about it other than create the mess that we have today.”

“It’s time that we get together with other counties and cities along the border and stand up and do something.” said the Val Verde resident.

Nettleton appealed to the media that Joe Biden work with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to end the humanitarian crisis at del Rio, Tx.

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