/Leaked Email Shows Biden Admin Blocked Private Rescue Flights from Afghanistan

Leaked Email Shows Biden Admin Blocked Private Rescue Flights from Afghanistan

Joe Biden’s secret activities revealed in a shocking email Behind closed doors

Biden’s administration seems to prefer to bow to the Taliban than rescue Americans stranded under the brutal rule of the Taliban terrorists.

Biden accepted the Taliban’s request to have all U.S. troops gone by August 31st.

In the area, between 100 and 200 Americans were left behind.

It has been widely reported for over a week that the Biden administration has been blocking rescue flights and Private charters to Afghanistan

We now have the email leaked from the State Department to support it.

The email was obtained and reviewed by Fox News.

According to reports, Republican Rep. Markwayne Mullin, Oklahoma, planned to fly into Afghanistan on Sept. 2nd to rescue five Americans, including a woman and her four children, who were stuck in Afghanistan. The State Department and U.S ambassador to Tajikistan stopped Mullin from flying into Afghanistan to rescue five American citizens.

As the Biden administration abandoned American citizens in Afghanistan, the Defense Department denied Mullin permission to travel to Kabul for this “unauthorized evacuation attempt”.

Top U.S. officials were alarmed by Mullin’s behavior. They claim Mullin went to “extraordinary lengths” to ignore warnings from the U.S.

Eric Montalvo also organized private rescue efforts, but he was also blocked from the State Dept.

According to Fox News,  Montalvo organized a series of private flights evacuating those stranded in Afghanistan.

Federal bureaucracy repeatedly denied Montalvo.

Montalvo then decided to share his email with Fox News.

“State Department explicitly stated that charter flights, even those containing American citizens, would not be allowed to land at Defense Department (DOD) airbases,” the report says.

“U.S. officials have pointed to possible security threats from landing charter planes at military bases, saying that they lack the resources on the ground to fully verify flight manifests,” the report added.

Even prominent Democrats are becoming increasingly frustrated by the incompetence of the Biden administration. This is especially true when the administration blocks private citizens from taking matters into their own hands.

The email states: “No independent charters are allowed to land at [Al Udeid Air Base], the military airbase you mentioned in your communication with Samantha Power.”

“In fact, no charters are allowed to land at an [sic] DoD base and most if not all countries in the Middle Eastern region, with the exception of perhaps Saudi Arabia will allow charters to land,” the official wrote.

You must find another country to travel to, and it cannot be the U.S.

“Once you have had discussions with the host/destination country and reached an agreement, they may require some indication from the USG that we ‘approve’ of this charter flight. DOS will not provide an approval, but we will provide a ‘no objection’ to the destination country government via the U.S. Embassy in that country.”

Taken From Fox News:

During briefings on Sept. 2, the day after the official noted that the State Department would not be officially approving charter flights, White House press secretary Jen Psaki and State Department spokesman Ned Price both said that the Biden administration was not preventing planes from leaving Afghanistan.

Price also addressed last week the security risks of allowing the charter flights onto military bases.

“If these charters are seeking to go to a U.S. military installation, for example, we have to weigh not only the threat to those who may be on board – especially if they’re American citizens, LPRs, other Afghans to whom we have a special commitment – but also to the safety and security of State Department personnel, U.S. military personnel, Department of Homeland Security personnel, other U.S. personnel on U.S. military installations,” Price said.

“These are among the risks that the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the host government – which, of course, has an important say in all this – must consider,” he added.

Fox News asked the State Department spokesperson for comment on the story but she declined.

In response to the State Dept’s denial to Rep. Mullin’s request to enter Afghanistan, Mullin said, “Am I extremely disappointed in how we (United States) left Americans behind . . . that would be an understatement.”

In closing, Mullin used the hashtag “#Ordinarypeopledoingextraordinarythings.”

The State Department issued a Level 4 travel warning for Afghanistan. The State Department has issued a Level 4 travel advisory for Afghanistan. It warns Americans against traveling there due to “civil unrest, armed conflict and crime, kidnapping and COVID-19.”

Here Is More from the Washingtion Post:

“This is a sad day for our country,” Mullin said in a statement Monday night. “Americans have been stranded in Afghanistan by the Biden Administration and are now left to defend themselves from terrorists overrunning the country. One motto of our military is ‘leave no man behind.’ But today, that’s exactly what President Biden did.”

Mullin’s repeated attempts to enter Afghanistan follow multiple efforts by the Biden administration to dissuade members of Congress from traveling to the country after Moulton and Meijer’s unauthorized trip last week. The two members, who arranged for their own transportation into the country, said they wanted to provide oversight on the evacuation efforts at the airport. They eventually left on a flight used for evacuating Americans and Afghans…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has issued several warnings against lawmakers trying to travel there.

“We don’t want anybody to think that this was a good idea and that they should try to follow suit,” she said last week.

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