/NC Father’s Speech Goes Viral By Telling School Board CRT Are Lies

NC Father’s Speech Goes Viral By Telling School Board CRT Are Lies

Last Monday, the Department of Homeland Security produced a warning that sounded more like a dictatorial attack plan authored by dictators such as Joseph Stalin or Benito Mussolini and delivered to the populace.

The spread of false or misleading narratives that foment strife or erode public faith in government institutions in the United States:

For example, false or misleading narratives about unverified widespread electoral fraud and COVID-19 are widely circulated on the internet. Violent extremist acts were sparked by grievances linked with these themes in 2021.

A North Carolina father, who is running for a state position as a Republican, made headlines this week after giving a speech at a school board meeting condemning the teaching of Critical Race Theory.

Brian Echevarria spoke out against CRT at a Cabarrus County School Board meeting on Monday, calling it a big fat lie and a discrimination revolution.

He claimed that no school administration or curriculum had the authority to label him or his children as oppressed because of their skin color.

According to Echevarria, the North Carolina school board passed a nondiscrimination resolution to eliminate critical race theory teachings with huge support.

Echevarria went on to say that parents are the most influential group in the country, and that they are taking control of policy changes across the country.

When it comes to CRT, when it comes to the taking away of liberties with mask mandates, every regulation is a parenting issue. This is a parenting issue because we all want the world to be a wonderful environment for our children.

Parents are gathering together in thought, not skin color, he continued.

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