/Pelosi Might Have Ordered Police to Arrest Those Who Refuse To Wear Masks

Pelosi Might Have Ordered Police to Arrest Those Who Refuse To Wear Masks

Multiple lawmakers made allegations Thursday that Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, ordered Capitol Police officers to arrest Capitol Police staff and visitors who did not comply with her mandate to wear masks.

Pelosi gives lawmakers a pass, but tells the police to report members to SAA for not complying.

“I cannot comply with this tyrannical order,” Rep. Cammack said. “This is the people’s house, not Nancy Pelosi’s house.”

“This is such an overstep of Speaker Pelosi’s authority to basically make our Capitol Police arrest staff members and report on members [of Congress],” Cammack said to Fox News on Thursday. “It’s absolutely unconscionable that this is where we’re at.”

As of now, it is unclear if Pelosi actually made the order but lawmakers are asserting she did.

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