/President Hypes Apocalyptic Climate Change at Coast Guard Ceremony

President Hypes Apocalyptic Climate Change at Coast Guard Ceremony

President Biden attended the United States Senate on Wednesday. At the Coast Guard’s change-of-command ceremony, it was declared that one of the Coast Guard’s key duties heading forward will be combating climate change.

“The Coast Guard will continue to play an important role in our homeland and national security.” “The challenges we face are evolving, and the decisions we make today will literally shape the course of the world in the twenty-first century,” Biden stated.

President Joe Biden’s new alarmism comes after decades of ominous warnings about the melting of the polar ice caps.

The Associated Press reported in 1989 that if increasing sea levels were not halted, entire nations will be wiped off the face of the globe by the year 2oo.

A top UN official According to an environmental authority, increasing sea levels might sweep entire nations off the face of the Earth if the global warming trend is not halted by the year 2000. Coastal floods and agricultural failures would result in an influx of eco-refugees, causing political upheaval, according to Noel Brown, head of the United Nations’ New York office. United Nations Environment Program, or UNEP.

It is presently 2022. Climate alarmists are issuing similar apocalyptic predictions if we do not act within the next decade. In the coming decade, it will be the same.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York socialist whose motivations and earnestness on climate change have been called into doubt, projected in 2019 that the world will end in 12 years if climate change is not addressed.

After that, Ocasio-Cortez had the audacity to accuse her detractors of taking her seriously.

The most damning proof that Democrats pushing global warming panic don’t really believe their own propaganda is that they own seaside property that is at or below sea level and have for decades.

Joe Biden owns homes in Greenville, Delaware, Rehoboth Beach, and McLean, Virginia. In 1996, he bought a house in Rehoboth Beach.

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