Kamala Harris has finally thrust herself into the spotlight the previous week with her much-ballyhooed visit to Central America. Instead of actually going to the boundary where the illegal immigration crisis is, something she has still failed to do whatsoever during her tenure, she moved to countries like Guatemala to lecture them on climate change. You know, because that is the supposed”root cause” that we can mend or something together with systemic poverty in these states — something we can not even fix at home.
Yet, the Guatemalan President, that has every incentive to play fine because we give him cash, told Harris the present crisis is a result of her boss’ decision making, including the gutting of Trump-era provisions that greatly slowed illegal immigration. Harris would later sit down with Lester Holt of NBC News (or at least it aired during her trip) for a cringe performance where she pronounced”I have not been to Europe” when pressed on why she hasn’t visited the border. Her oddly timed, hysterical laugh also made an appearance.
This gold-mine of material wasn’t lost on Tucker Carlson, who launched into a hilarious and must-see monologue on the vice president last night. Grab a drink and enjoy.
Tucker hits every aspect, from Harris’ pathetic presidential campaign to the media today treating somebody so clearly unimpressive as a transformational figure. At one stage, he plays with a montage of various news outlets talking about her Guatemala trip and each one is obsessed with the fact that she is a”person of color.” You know, because race dictates consequences when it comes to diplomacy or something. Afterwards, Tucker gets more serious by pointing out how weak she and other Biden officials makes the country look when they spend all their time apologizing for past sins rather than on solving current issues.
But frankly, I’m underselling the movie. Take some time to see it. It is worth it.
In short, Harris’ first large public tour hasn’t only been a failure on the policy front but it’s been an embarrassing spectacle for her as a politician. Everyone was reminded why she flopped so hard despite having so much institution support prior to being appointed to vice president. If Joe Biden can not run again in 2024, they’d better have a plan to never let Harris to be coronated.