/Watch CDC Director Admit Vaccines Don’t Stop Covid From Spreading

Watch CDC Director Admit Vaccines Don’t Stop Covid From Spreading

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has touted the COVID vaccines as a means to keep the public safe from the coronavirus. However, the vaccines do not prevent the virus from being transmitted, so it is questionable whether the vaccines are a matter of public health or personal choice.

Walensky admitted to Wolf Blitzer of CNN that the COVID vaccines are not performing as advertised.

Watch The Video Here:

“Our vaccines are working exceptionally well,” Walensky claimed. “They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death, they prevent it. But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”

Walensky claimed in March that COVID was almost always absent from vaccinated individuals. This claim turned out to be completely false.

You Can Watch That Video Here:

“Our data from the CDC today suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus,” she said. The CDC Director turned out to be entirely wrong.

In late July, Walensky touted COVID vaccine passports as a ‘path forward’ for the country. Walensky praised European nations requiring “health passes” for citizens to get into public places, such as bars and nightclubs.

“You know, I think some communities are doing that,” Walensky said. “And that may very well be a path forward.”

However, Walensky is lying. India is one of the most unvaccinated countries, with a 7.9% vaccination rate. Within weeks, the Delta variant surge swept through densely populated India. Without the COVID vaccines, the fatality rate dropped again.

Reuters reported in mid-July that 68% of Indians had COVID antibodies. These have reduced fatality and case rates.

“Two-thirds of India’s population have antibodies against the coronavirus, according to data released on Tuesday from a survey of 29,000 people across the nation conducted in June and July,” Reuters reported.

The CDC and the mainstream media will now do to India what they did to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: Smear the government data. We saw how that turned out last time.

COVID vaccines were deemed the best way to defeat the virus. It seems that they are now the equivalent of seasonal flu booster shots. They don’t prevent the flu but help those at risk, like the elderly or immunocompromised, to avoid the worst outcomes.

An expert from Sweden even suggested that vaccine users might need five shots plus boosters to achieve maximum immunity. This is a poor comparison to natural immunity which is thought to provide greater resistance to viruses.

“As with many vaccines, we know that there will be refill doses. It is not at all unlikely that we can end up in a position where you have to give recurring doses,” vaccine expert Matti Sällberg said in a Swedish publication.

“Then it’s a third, fourth, maybe fifth dose,” he explained.

In early August, Senator Rand Paul obliterated the CDC’s hysteria about the Delta variant. He appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight and cited eye-opening statistics that don’t match up with the media’s doom-and-gloom narrative.

“Let me just say this: the first, why would people who have recovered from COVID and have active antibodies and are therefore immune — they have natural immunity — why would they be forced to take an experimental vaccine to give them artificial immunity?” Carlson asked.

“Yeah, there’s no science behind it. All of the studies that have looked at natural immunity show that natural immunity has at least as good of an immunity as you get from a vaccine,” he said. “People have to realize that vaccines are based on what we learn from natural immunity over the last couple of hundred years, how the body responds to a foreign particle ─ a virus or a bacteria ─ and then we simulate that with the vaccine.”

“So the vaccine is simulating the natural immunity that I have, but Dr. Fauci discounts it,” he continued. “Thirty-five million people officially have had COVID, but really, conservative estimates, even the CDC, indicate another 70-some-odd million have had it. So really, it’s over a hundred million Americans have had it. Probably 150, 160 million have been inoculated with the vaccine. Together, we have an enormous amount of success with immunity. In fact, the other day I saw that over 65 years of age, 90% of people have now been inoculated. So this is extraordinary success, and yet they say, ‘Oh no, we have to inoculate your newborn in the hospital before you can take them home. It makes no sense and the science doesn’t support it’.”

“There’s one large study out of England, from Public Health England, 92,000 patients, and do you know how many people died in the vaccinated wing of this under age 50? Zero,” Paul added. “Do you know how many people died — there were 52,000 people unvaccinated —  do you know how many people died? Six.”

“That works out to 0.08 percent, less than the flu. That’s under age 50,” he continued. “Over age 50, there was about half as many people died as were dying last year. So the Delta variant is more transmissible but less deadly.”

Such pesky facts aren’t stopping the Biden administration from ratcheting up its strongarming of private businesses to force employees to get vaccinated or else, even as White House press secretary Jen Psaki earlier said it was “not the federal government’s role.”

The COVID vaccines are an end-all for the Biden administration. The CDC Director has admitted that vaccines can’t stop the spread of COVID. This is no longer a public issue. It is a personal risk mitigation issue that should be 100% between a doctor and a patient.

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