Trump Hints At 2024 Run With A Maga…

Fox News reports that former President Donald Trump held a successful rally this weekend, provoking speculation about a possible 2024 run. Iowa was the location of the rally, which is a key stop for presidential…

States Go Rogue And Refuse to Comply with…

Joe Biden was disappointed by his request to have banks hand over transaction information exceeding $600 to the IRS. Numerous GOP-led states refuse to follow the lead of the Biden administration. The proposal has been…

George Floyd Memorial Statue Defaced in New York…

After George Floyd's death, massive displays of George Floyd were erected at various locations across the country. For example, in New Jersey, liberals built a 700-pound statue of George Floyd. George Floyd statue Floyd's death reignited…

DeSantis Rips Apart Bidens Orders To Weaponize the…

A shocking tweet by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis raises serious concerns. DeSantis accuses U.S. attorney general Merrick Garland, of "weaponizing the DOJ" against parents. “Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue…

Democrat Rep Admits She Only Wears A Mask…

Radical Democrat Rashida Tlaib, admitted that she only wears a mask for the cameras, not to combat COVID-19. Tlaib's statement is not only disturbing but also frustrating because she and her Democratic colleagues force rules on…

Republicans Continue Hitting IRS Proposal

The Senate and House Republicans continue to resist a proposal to change the information banks submit to Internal Revenue Service about financial transactions. The proposal was opposed by GOP members mainly because it would require…