/Dan Crenshaw Torches Pelosi and Dems for Covering for Biden

Dan Crenshaw Torches Pelosi and Dems for Covering for Biden

Republican Rep. and ex-Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw strong words for Nancy Pelosi, Democrats covering Joe Biden.

Crenshaw lost his right eye in Afghanistan while fighting for the Taliban. Biden has since surrendered to the terrorists.

Crenshaw criticized Pelosi and Democrats for not supporting a bill that would have required the Biden administration, among other things, to take “every necessary step” to evacuate American citizens from Afghanistan.

Nancy Pelosi refused to allow the bill to be voted on by the Democrats.

Biden left between 100-200 Americans in Afghanistan. Some Taliban forces are holding hostages at Kabul’s airport while they demand money and diplomatic legitimacy.

“Leading up to this, we’ve tried everything we could. We tried to get the Biden administration to not engage in such a silly plan, right?” Crenshaw said.

“We tried to prevent this from happening,” he said. “That didn’t work. As they followed through with it, we tried to get them to fix it.

“You know, Republicans were on the House floor yesterday asking for unanimous consent that we vote on a bill that would simply demand that the administration give us a plan for getting Americans out, getting our equipment out and not recognize the Taliban,” Crenshaw continued.

“There was nothing partisan about that at all. But Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats refused to even allow a vote on it,” he added.

“They want no accountability whatsoever. They don’t even want to fix the problem or admit that there is a problem.”

“So now we’re moving into the accountability phase. That’s going to be difficult because we’re in the minority, Democrats in the majority,” he said.

“They might have some show hearings, but they really have no intention, as they’ve already shown, of holding this administration accountable,” the congressman said.

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