/Photo Surfaces of Pelosi Meeting with Radical Leftist Billionaire George Soros

Photo Surfaces of Pelosi Meeting with Radical Leftist Billionaire George Soros

A picture that shows Nancy Pelosi’s activities was shared on social media.

The son of George Soros, a radical leftist billionaire, posted the image on Twitter.

Alexander Soros’ son regularly posts on social media to promote his left-wing views.

Altering the official motto of the United States “In God we trust”, Soros wrote to Twitter with the phrase “In Pelosi we trust.”

The Left has made Pelosi a god-like figure.

“Was good seeing Pelosi this weekend,” Soros added.

Here’s the picture:

Soros reflects on his time spent with Ilhan Omar, Democrat Representative.

“It was great to spend some time in person with Ilhan Omar!” he wrote.

“One of the most inspiring and effective members of Congress we have!” Soros exclaims.

Recently, George Soros was accused of funneling money to left-leaning groups.

According to reports, Soros donated $1 million to Color Of Change PAC (May 14), which is a group that works towards defunding police.

According to records filed with Federal Election Commission, this was the largest political contribution by a billionaire in the 2021 election cycle.

He also made it his first contribution to the political action committees since 2016.

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