/Arizona Rises Up Against Biden To Stop His Vax Mandate

Arizona Rises Up Against Biden To Stop His Vax Mandate

Arizona is resisting the decrees by Joe Biden.

Attorney General Mark Brnovich requested a temporary restraining or to prevent the Biden administration’s controversial vaccine requirement from being implemented.

The Biden administration is facing a lawsuit that was filed last month.

“Once a vaccine has been administered, it can never be undone,” Attorney General Mark Brnovich said.

“The COVID-19 vaccine mandate is one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberty, federalism, and the separation of powers by any administration in our country’s history,” he added.

Brnovich’s office claims that a preliminary order must be fully heard.

“The deadline for federal contractors to receive their first vaccine is approaching as early as Oct. 27, 2021, so time is of the essence,” the complaint says.

“The deadline for federal employees to receive their first Pfizer or Moderna vaccine has already passed, but the November 8 deadline for them to receive their second dose (or their first and only dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) is just weeks away.”

Brnovich’s office also claims that mandates will cause “substantial damage to Arizona’s economic and to Arizona businesses, which will either have to fire valued employees or give up lucrative contracts with the government.”

Brnovich’s office used surveys to show that 85% of businesses thought it would be more difficult to retain employees and that 89% believed some employees would leave.

After Biden’s September announcement that federal workers and workers in private-sector businesses employing more than 100 people must be vaccinated, Arizona sued.

This mandate will affect over 100 million Americans.

“We’ve been patient but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us,” Biden said.

“This is not about freedom or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”

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