/State Legislature Officially Revokes Whitmer Emergency Powers

State Legislature Officially Revokes Whitmer Emergency Powers

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer received bad news this week.

Whitmer used her during the COVID-19 epidemic and hysteria.“Emergency Powers” To mandate masks, lockdown the state, close businesses and destroy the state’s economic health.

The Michigan Legislature is now taking matters into its own hands.

The Emergency Powers of the Governor Act of 1945 essentially gives the Governor “superpowers” for the sake of “protect the citizens.” It states the following:

“The Emergency Powers of the Governor Act of 1945, 1945 PA 302, as amended, MCL 10.31 et seq., provides that “[d]uring times of great public crisis, disaster, rioting, catastrophe, or similar public emergency within the state . . . the governor may proclaim a state of emergency and designate the area involved.” MCL 10.31(1). The state of emergency ceases “upon declaration by the governor that the emergency no longer exists.” MCL 10.31(2).”

This is found in Section 1 of article 5 of the Michigan Constitution of 1963.

However, now the House Republicans in Michigan have voted to approve the Unlock Michigan initiative.

This seeks to strip Governor Gretchen Whitmer of the overreaching emergency powers from 1945.

According to some, this is a “vetoproof vote”, and the Senate legislature has These emergency powers were officially revoked.

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