/GOP Group Warns Lawmakers Not to Undo Trump’s Tax Reform

GOP Group Warns Lawmakers Not to Undo Trump’s Tax Reform

According to The Hill, a Republican group led by former Vice President Mike Pence’s chief-of-staff is warning lawmakers not to reverse President Donald Trump’s 2017 landmark tax reform law.

“If any elected member of Congress tries to jeopardize the next American recovery in the name of higher spending, expansive social welfare programs, the green new deal and higher taxes, we will ensure that you are held accountable,” The Coalition to Protect American Workers wrote in a letter to members of Congress, The Hill said.

The group is led by GOP strategists, including ex-Pence staffer Mark Short. It has a budget between $25 million and $50 million to fight President Joe Biden’s plan to raise the corporate tax rate up to 28% and increase taxes for individuals who earn more than $400,000 per year, The Hill reported.

The Coalition to Protect American Workers has promoted the economic benefits of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, one of Trump’s biggest policy accomplishments.

The letter stated that “The 2017 tax cuts had extraordinary results.” “The United States added 5.3 million jobs in just two years from the date that the tax cuts were approved by law. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.5 percent, the lowest in 50 years.

As Senate Democrats prepare to create a $3.5 trillion spending bill that could increase taxes by the same amount, the group’s letter was circulated.

The Coalition to Protect American Workers stated that the Senate’s passage earlier this week of a $1 trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Bill “begins a process to unwind [the 2017 tax cuts] and take away opportunities for families across the country,” The Hill reported.

“Democrats in Congress have repeatedly expressed their intention to tie this bill to over $3 trillion in tax increases through a partisan reconciliation process,” the letter said.

“While we are disappointed to see that Congress has linked infrastructure to tax increases, the Coalition to Protect American Workers will continue undaunted in our mission to preserve the benefits of the 2017 tax cuts.”

Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also cited pre-pandemic data that showed the strength of the U.S. economic. He stressed that Republicans would oppose any repeal of 2017’s tax law.

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