/Pelosi Ganged Up On By GOP And Democrats

Pelosi Ganged Up On By GOP And Democrats

What’s Happening:

Nancy Pelosi seems to be taking the Senate hostage over the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

The bill was welcomed by moderate Republicans as a victory. But there was a catch.

Pelosi and other Democrat leaders want to use the bill to force Biden’s massive spending plan.

Pelosi and other Democrat leaders would like to use the bill in order to force Biden to implement his massive spending plan.

Pelosi appears unwilling to compromise. It seems that Democrats and Republicans could do it without Pelosi.

From Fox News:

Moderate Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick said Monday that there are likely enough GOP votes for the bipartisan infrastructure bill to overcome the number of Democrats vowing to block it, as centrists from both parties pressure House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to bring the legislation for a vote.

Fitzpatrick, the co-chairman of the House Problem Solvers Caucus, also warned that moderate Republicans could turn against the compromise legislation passed by the Senate if Pelosi, D-Calif., delays the bill’s consideration or ties it to Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending plan they hope to pass via budget reconciliation.

Pelosi was warned by the House Republicans that they could pass the infrastructure bill, provided she is willing to cooperate.

Some Democrats threatened to stop the bill if Pelosi wanted to tie it to Biden’s toxic spending agenda.

Some Republicans are willing to vote for it and will even go along with it. If Pelosi refuses, they will vote against the bill.

Plenty of people have spoken out against the left’s agenda. They want to get this bipartisan bill passed, but only if Biden’s large–$3.5 trillion package—goes through as well.

It is clear that moderates within the House don’t like Biden’s socialist plans. They are afraid that if the Democratic Party becomes more left-leaning, they will lose their seats.

They have urged Pelosi to just get the bipartisan bill done—deal with the other plan later.

Pelosi is determined to please the radical left but is refusing to compromise.

The bill is supported by moderate Republicans. They will also block the bill if Pelosi attempts to play any games.

Pelosi seems to have lost total control of the House. Any other sensible Speaker would listen and reach an agreement with both sides.

Pelosi, however, stubbornly refuses to follow the advice of moderates and instead bows to a few radicals such as AOC.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republicans join Democrats to urge Pelosi support the bipartisan bill.
  • Pelosi refused, Linking the bill with Biden’s socialist agenda in his spending bills.
  • Republicans and Democrats warn they will kill the bill if Pelosi does not listen.
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