/VP Harris Reportedly Played Key Role In Afghanistan Crisis

VP Harris Reportedly Played Key Role In Afghanistan Crisis

In April, after President Biden announced his plans to withdraw Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Vice President Kamala Harris was interviewed by Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union”.

The interview was extremely soft-ball and meant to make Kamala appear competent and in-the-loop leader, with a large role in White House decision-making.

Bash asked Harris if Harris was the “last person in the room” when President Biden decided to withdraw from Afghanistan by September 11th.

Because Kamala, an inexperienced woman, wanted to appear vital to the White House’s foreign policies decisions, she proudly replied “Yes.”

Politico published a brief feature about Kamala’s CNN interview. It used the headline “Harris claims she played a key part in Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal decision.”


What do you think Harris would like to change?

Given the current circumstances, the interview is terrible for another reason.

Not only did Harris affirm that, yes, she was the last one in the room when the decision was made, she also praised Biden for his “extraordinary amount of courage” regarding the decision. She lavished her senile boss with kudos, saying that Joe “is someone, who I have seen over and over again, make decisions based on what he truly believes … is the right thing to do.”

Are you sure she feels the same way today?

More than likely no.

After the crap went down this weekend, Joe Biden had to fly back to the White House for his pathetic speech. Vice President Harris “Last Person In the Room” refused to stand by the President while he made his excuse-making speech.

Biden’s woman, who towers over him at all press events like a vulture, didn’t want her to be near him while he ate crow.

The White House tweeted a photo on Wednesday of Vice President Harris and President Biden meeting with their national security team. Jack Posobiec, a One America News reporter, pointed out Harris, who is sitting down with her head in her hands and eyes down at the table, while the rest are looking at him.

Evidently, Vice President “Last person in the Room” did not want the role of Vice President.

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