/Trump Literally Destroys Bumbling Biden In This Interview

Trump Literally Destroys Bumbling Biden In This Interview

The current White House occupant continues to terrorize America and most of the rest of the globe with his delusional ignorance over the disastrous debacle in Afghanistan. He and he alone are responsible. His predecessor does what he does best in politics:

Donald J. Trump trashed the ever-loving crap out of Joseph R. Biden — in classic Trumpian style.

And Corn Pop’s pal deserved every brutal minute of it. And more.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart, the former president said what every sane, patriotic — and mad as hell — American has been thinking from the moment “Biden’s Saigon” began to unravel. (Emphasis, mine.)

“Well, the only thing that surprised me is that everybody knew how absolutely stupid this situation in Afghanistan was, that it should have never ever been this way. Because everybody knows. A child would know, you take the military out last.

You get everybody out, then you get all the equipment — you take your $83 billion worth of equipment — then you blow up the bases.

And perhaps you stay at, you take a certain area that you may want to keep like Bagram and keep the base Bagram because it’s next to China and Iran. It costs billions and billions of dollars to build.

And maybe you keep that for other reasons. But everybody knows that you take your military out last. And they took the military out first.”

However, Biden and his similarly bumbling advisers continue to defend everything they did, including General Mark A. Milley (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), who is far more excited about critical race theory, “white supremacy”, and military readiness than he is about anything else. And a steely determination to destroy our enemies, who are determined to do as much damage as possible to America and Americans.

Breitbart asked Trump if he believed that Biden’s decision not to withdraw American civilians first and American forces last amounts to abandoning the sacred U.S. Military Credo, “no one left behind”, Trump replied that he has made this honorable commitment “obsolete.”

“Well, I think that the credo is now obsolete because we’re leaving people behind. We’re leaving equipment behind. And we spent more money on that war, and we’re leaving all this stuff behind. And it’s top of the line.

They’re now, they say, the best-serviced soldiers in the world, the Taliban. They have the best equipment, and they have better equipment than our soldiers have.”

You Think Biden isn’t calling the shots? Donald Disagrees with You

Trump is not like the majority of “people from our side of the aisle”, who believe, since the beginning of Biden’s pathetic 2020 presidential election campaign, that Joey from Scranton is nothing more than an organ grinder monkey of Left (yours truly included), at least in regards to Afghanistan.

“[W]hen you have something that’s so obviously stupid, and everybody else goes along with it, he must be to a certain extent calling the shots. Take a look at what happened. He came up with a plan that’s so crazy, and stupid. And the people can’t be that dumb that they would go to approve it.

“So he must have said this is what he wants to do, and they went along with it. All he had to do is a similar thing — what I was doing was just taking the military out last, and when everybody is out, when all the equipment is out and everything is gone, and then we just take the military and we wave ‘bye bye.’”

“Call it a bad experience,” Trump added. “And we would have got out with great dignity and we could have even claimed victory. This is a pure loss.” Amen, Mr. President, amen.

Trump returned to the fold, along with many others who believe that Biden is just told what to say, sign, support, oppose, and how to do within the wider scope of the Biden White House.

Breitbart asked Trump who he believed was running Biden’s White House. He replied that “nobody really know” and added: “That’s a great secret. It’s a small group. They are mean and they are nasty.”

Trump being Trump, Trump bragged about how handled Afghanistan. But, hey, if you can back up your claims with facts or actions, then go for it. Biden’s debacle continues to spiral out of control.

“I had that so locked down; we were going to get every — because I was all for getting out of the endless war. I was for it more than anybody was, and I was doing it. But we had total control of the country.

“And as soon as the election was rigged, and they won the election — they didn’t win — look, they didn’t win anything. The election was totally rigged. And as soon as these fake results came out, these people started taking over Afghanistan because they were dealing with Biden, not me.

“They knew — and I dealt with Abdul. I dealt with the whole group; they knew that there would be hell to pay if anything happened like this. But they’ve taken over from our military.

“I believe it was the single most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, having to do with prestige and having to do with our military. And our military is devastated by it.

They look so bad — the wokesters that are running it. I said it very strongly in Alabama. Woke means loser, and that’s exactly what we’ve become.”

“Woke means loser, and that’s exactly what we’ve become.”

Bingo. Final score. Trump: 1, Biden 0. Joe, thanks for playing. You’re dismissed.

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