/Biden Gets Angry Over Billboards Appearing Across America

Biden Gets Angry Over Billboards Appearing Across America

Fox News reported that Scott Wagner, who was previously a Pennsylvania state senator, has put up over a dozen billboards featuring Joe Biden dressed in military uniforms next to the tagline “Making The Taliban Great Again.”

Joe Biden’s military gear isn’t the standard American uniform. It looks more like what a Taliban soldier would wear.

The former Republican senator stated that he had “several reasons” to post the imagery in his home state of Pennsylvania.

Wagner, who was heavily influenced by the abrupt and polarizing withdrawal of Afghanistan, felt embarrassed for his country and worried that the Taliban would no longer take the U.S. seriously.

“The pull out rushed through by President Biden had made us the laughing stock of the world,” insisted Wagner. Adding, “The Taliban are openly stating that they ran the United States out of Afghanistan – they are now very emboldened.”

Wagner stated that the U.S. was now responsible for Afghan citizens’ lack of safety since the Taliban took control of the country.

He expressed concern that young people who grew up in freedom and security provided by the United States will be subject to the Taliban’s attacks.

The freedoms that “young people have experienced since we landed in their country will be taken away now that the Taliban is in control.” he told Fox News.

Wagner said that he made strong connections with hundreds of veterans and their families while serving as a Pennsylvania State Senator.

In an email, he stated that he was now worried about facing them and the many others who lost their lives while fighting for freedom.

“What do we say to families who lost loved ones in the Middle East – the country these people served and died for left Afghanistan with its tail between its legs,” questioned Wagner.

“It seems that President Biden was hell bent on rushing out of Afghanistan – his ego and lack on information is going to prove to be very bad for the United States.” wrote the former senator.

Twitter was buzzing with mixed reactions, both celebrating and criticizing Pennsylvania’s billboard additions.

One member enjoyed the jab at Joe Biden and wrote “Quality trolling”.

Another member, who was not as supportive, also condemned the First Amendment writing; “These are the type of things Twitter should be blocking. Why only in America it’s ok to disrespect the President Of The United States. “DISGUSTING”.

Wagner stated that Joe Biden’s billboards will remain up for at least two months.

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