/Trump Admin Official Larry Kudlow Commends Manchin

Trump Admin Official Larry Kudlow Commends Manchin

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow was the director of the National Economic Council under the Trump administration. He praised Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Silema who opposed the Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion reconciliation bill.

Kudlow spoke to Sean Hannity Friday night about the economy and President Joe Biden‘s spending bill that Democrats are trying to get through Congress.

He stated to Hannity that, “The trouble with the Biden group is they believe in government, they believe in big government socialism, and they do not believe in the private free enterprise capitalist system that Trump touted and unleashed.”

He continued to rail against the Biden administration and made it a point to add this:

By the way, Sean, I’m glad Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema [are] fighting back. Some blue dog Democrats. I’m glad. They’re not perfect, they’re not like us, they’re not supply-siders, but at least somebody is stepping in front of this train.

Many Democrats are frustrated with Sinema and Manchin, who both have stated that they don’t support this bill at the current price tag. Negotiations will likely continue after House Democrats met earlier Friday with President Obama.

Watch The Full Video Here:

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