/Bill Maher Calls Out Dems for Politicizing Covid

Bill Maher Calls Out Dems for Politicizing Covid

Bill Maher, HBO’s “Real Time”, host called out the Democratic Party in his latest episode for politicizing Covid. He also used the pandemic as an opportunity to push a radical agenda. 


“I feel like COVID changed that. You remember that great book, ‘Shock Doctrine’ by Naomi Klein? And it’s sort of like the theory, never let a crisis go to waste. We saw how the Republicans did it when 9/11 happened. It was like, oh, well, we’ve always wanted to invade Iraq again. … And I feel like this is kind of what the other side did with COVID. I mean, they always wanted to send more checks to people who have kids.”

The Democratic Party’s political philosophy is perfectly described by the phrase “never let any crisis go to waste”. In 2009, Hillary Clinton gave new life to the phrase when she spoke to an audience about how climate change could be used to promote green energy.

Clinton said to the crowd, “Never waste an opportunity.”

Rahm Emanuel, a former Chicago mayor, said it even more poignantly.

“Never allow a good crisis go to waste,” he said. “It’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible.”

Hillary Clinton, who endorsed Joe Biden in 2020, said that she wanted to use the Covid Pandemic to push universal socialized medicine. A variation of this term was also used by her.

“So, this is a high stakes time because of the pandemic, but this is also a really high stakes election, and every form of healthcare should continue to be available, including reproductive healthcare for every woman in this country. And then, it needs to be part of a much larger system that eventually, and quickly I hope, gets us to universal healthcare. So, I can only say amen to everything you’re saying, but also to, again, enlist people that this would be a terrible crisis to waste, as the old saying goes- That this would be a terrible crisis to waste as the old saying goes.

It’s easy to see the socialist blueprint of the Democratic Party when even a liberal cable host can make it clear on live TV. Perhaps it’s time that the Democrats stop exploiting crises, and perhaps even exacerbating them, and instead try to do positive things that will benefit the American people.

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