/Supreme Court Delivers Crushing Blow To Black Lives Matter With New Rulings

Supreme Court Delivers Crushing Blow To Black Lives Matter With New Rulings

Two crushing blows were dealt by the Supreme Court to the radical left-leaning political agenda of the Black Lives Matter Movement.

This week, police officers received two rulings.

Both cases involved incidents of excessive force and qualified immunity.

“Qualified immunity is the legal doctrine that shields government officials, such as police officers, from lawsuits except in cases when they have clearly broken established law,” Western Journal notes.

These legal protections have become a major policy target for the progressive hard left, who are vehemently anti-law enforcement. This is based on the rhetoric surrounding the violent, destructive and divisive George Floyd Riots last summer and the subsequent “defund police” insanity.

Interestingly, both cases involved suspects who were reportedly in the process of victimizing women when police showed up.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the officers who had not broken the law, as outlined by previous rulings.

Justice cannot exist unless all life matters — and society must work together to protect and empower the vulnerable, and not to give them power in the name of some perverted and twisted form of justice like the one we’ve been given for far too long.

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