/Americans Waiting on Arizona Audit Results Get A Critical Update

Americans Waiting on Arizona Audit Results Get A Critical Update

Americans who were expecting an audit by the Arizona Senate of the 2020 elections in Maricopa County, Arizona will be updated with a critical update.

“Got this directly from Karen Fann. The draft report should be finished this coming week,” Wendy Rogers said. “Then the AZ Senate’s specialized legal team will comb through it. This team includes the auditor, Senate president, Senate Judiciary chair, attorneys, and key Senate staff.”

“They will verify the draft for accuracy, proof of documentation, and clarity,” Rogers continued. “The AZ Senate will only issue a report that can be proven and is void of possible misinterpretation. Once these specialized Senate experts fully examine this report, the auditors will then prepare the final report, which will be presented to AZ Senate Judiciary Committee and the public.”

This update is made before a Trump rally in Cullman (Alabama) on Saturday night. Donald Trump in mid-July reacted to the findings of the Arizona Senate’s update on the preliminary independent audit findings.

“Thankfully, Arizona has strong State Senators willing to fight for the truth. Senator Wendy Rogers says ‘I have heard enough. It’s time to decertify this election’,” he continued. “Senator Kelly Townsend said the fraud was so bad ‘I want to see indictments.’ Senator Sonny Borrelli says “’I’ve seen enough evidence to challenge the validity of the certification of the Maricopa County Election results’,” he stated.

“Arizona shows Fraud and Voting Irregularities many times more than would be needed to change the outcome of the Election,” Trump concluded.

Karen Fann, Arizona Senate President, gave a briefing to the leaders of the ongoing audit. According to the auditors, 74,000 absentee votes were missing documentation. Thousands of ballots were duplicated with no proper documentation. More than 11,000 voters did not appear on the November election voter roll, but were later added to the December voter rolls. Maricopa County then responded to the claims.

As A Reminder, Donald Trump lost Arizona by just 0.3% of the state’s certified counts to Joe Biden. For evidence of improperly losing the state in 2020, the Arizona audit results will be closely scrutinized.

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