/Biden Admins Slammed for Cringe Celebrity Influencer Vaccine Push

Biden Admins Slammed for Cringe Celebrity Influencer Vaccine Push

To push vaccines against the American people, the Biden administration now uses a gay cross-dresser at the White House.

Benito Skinner, aka Benny Drama, stars in a viral campaign video as “Kooper,” President Joe Biden’s intern.

The video shows “Kooper, the intern” walking around the White House, West Wing offices, and Executive Office building pretending to be an intern while wearing dresses and other feminine outfits.

“Hey Jenny, I booked you a nail appointment love,” he said to Psaki while popping into her office.

“Yeah, I didn’t tell you to do that,” Psaki replies.

“Jen! Don’t forget to have fun!” he said.


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