/Biden Caught Telling Made-Up Story to UK Prime Minister

Biden Caught Telling Made-Up Story to UK Prime Minister

Joe Biden continues to lie another day.

Biden shared the same story in May and June months ago.

The problem is that multiple fact-checks have thoroughly disproved the story.

The New York Post also refuted Biden’s story.

CNN reported that Biden “keeps telling the debunked story” as he did in his 2020 presidential campaign. Western Journal notes.

Biden met with Boris Johnson, the United Kingdom Prime Minister. He explained that he once had a headline in which he claimed that he had traveled more than 1,350,000 miles using Air Force Two.

Biden said, “So I’m walking up to get on the train on that Friday and a guy, who was the number three guy from New Jersey on seniority as a conductor, walked up to me and grabbed me and goes like this, ‘Joey baby!’ and grabs my face. I thought the Secret Service was going to shoot him and I said no, no, he’s a friend.”

As you can see, the media pool laughed as seen in the video below.

Biden suggested that the man saw the headline about his mileage with Air Force Two, and asked him: “Do you know how far you’ve traveled on Amtrak?”

“You’ve traveled over 2 million miles, big deal!” the man then reportedly stated.

Here are some problems with this story that prove Biden is completely lying.

Biden had previously identified the man in question as Angelo Negri. He died in 2014. This was two years after Biden had surpassed the 1.3million mile mark for Air Force Two. This was in 2016.

A fact-check explains, “Biden was friends with the Amtrak conductor at the center of the story, Angelo Negri. But Negri had been dead for more than a year — and had been retired for more than two decades — before the earliest moment they could conceivably have had the supposed conversation Biden keeps describing.”


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