/Biden Rushing To Election Audit Amid Reports Of Bad Findings

Biden Rushing To Election Audit Amid Reports Of Bad Findings

Last week, Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, chair of the Senate’s Intergovernmental Operations Committee, announced that his committee would be conducting a forensic audit of both the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary.

Mastriano sent a letter to several countries asking for all the information needed to conduct the audit. He gave them until July 31 to comply.

Mastriano mentioned two reasons why forensic audits are necessary: the unusual use of mail-in votes and the absence of signature verification.

Two days after Mastriano’s announcement the White House announced that President Joe Biden would leave DC to travel to Pennsylvania to deliver remarks on “protecting the sacred constitutional right of the vote”

Is it possible that the White House is deploying Joe Biden to strongarm counties to obstruct Mastriano’s request for documents and information?

Given the fact that Pennsylvania’s Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid also issued a state-wide directive to block the audit the 2020 election results, it seems likely Biden’s visit is related.

Degraffenreid, along with Pennsylvania’s State Attorney General Josh Shapiro, are claiming that the legislature does not have the power or legal authority to order an audit.

This claim is, to put it mildly, absurd. The US Constitution gives the state legislatures direct authority over state elections. It is absurd to claim that Mastriano does not have the legal authority or power to audit elections.

Mastriano argues for his legal authority in conducting the 2020 election audit in a Friday video posted to his Twitter account. The law is on his side.

It is hard to believe that it is a coincidence that President Biden scheduled a Pennsylvania trip to talk about the “sacred” and constitutional right of vote at the same time Mastriano announced the audit.

The Democrats are in panic mode.

They don’t believe that 2020 was the safest or most secure election.

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