/Biden Sued for Feeding Illegal Immigrant Children Raw and Undercooked Food

Biden Sued for Feeding Illegal Immigrant Children Raw and Undercooked Food

Two left-leaning advocacy groups for mass illegal immigration are suing Biden Administration, accusing it in a court of allowing horrendous child abuse in overcrowded migrant holding centers.

In a 276-page federal filing Monday, the National Center for Youth Law and the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law urged Attorney General Merrick Garland to compel the Department of Health and Human Services to stop abusing and mistreating children at migrant detention centers.

The lawsuit specifically names two Texas facilities — Fort Bliss, and Pecos.

The attorneys said children are being held in “dilapidated,” unsanitary facilities where they’re fed rotten or undercooked food, subjected to sexual advances and exposed to widespread coronavirus infestations.

“[O]ur legal team has witnessed disturbing conditions that put the health and welfare of these children in harm’s way, including food-related abdominal pain from undercooked and spoiled food, and children being kept in cage-like rooms for most of the day,” the filing alleged.

A 17-year-old Guatemalan girl said: “They did not cook the food well because they were cooking for so many thousands of kids at the emergency shelter … The chicken was raw, everything was raw. I ate it because I had no choice. I got sick from it.”

The lawsuit also referenced an explosive complaint filed last month by two federal whistleblowers who accused the Biden administration of ordering workers to cover up a COVID-19 outbreak among “hundreds of children” at the Fort Bliss facility.

“COVID was widespread among children and eventually spread to many employees,” the complaint alleges. “Hundreds of children contracted COVID in the overcrowded conditions. Adequate masks were not consistently provided to children, nor was their use consistently enforced.”

According to whistleblowers, instead of fixing the problem, “every effort was made at downplaying the severity of COVID infection at this site and keeping the scale of the outbreak under wraps.”

In his sworn declaration, whistleblower Arthur Pearlstein, an attorney with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, said the Biden administration is covering up the egregious abuse of “thousands of children.”

“Gross mismanagement, waste, and abuse of authority by those at the top who insisted on utmost secrecy led to mistreatment of thousands of children at Fort Bliss,” Pearlstein wrote.

“I was actively discouraged by management at Fort Bliss from reporting my concerns,” he underscored.

The attorneys for the migrant children said the coronavirus outbreak metastasized because of the disgusting, unhygienic conditions at the overcrowded centers.

“Filth was commonplace,” the complaint alleges. “According to one contractor: ‘I’ve been into one [tent], one time, and I was like, yeah, I’m not going back there.

“‘They’re filthy. They’re dirty. There’s food on the floor. There’s wet spots all over the place. The beds are dirty.’”

Another shocking revelation was that Fort Bliss Center workers sex preyed upon children by the attorneys.

“Audio provided by whistleblowers appears to confirm that adult staff at Ft. Bliss had been caught in sexually inappropriate situations with minors in their care at least as recently as May 2021,” the lawsuit alleges.

For the record, the reason these left-wing activists filed their complaint isn’t that they oppose mass illegal immigration or are criticizing President Joe Biden for causing the border crisis.

They argue that illegal aliens in detention centers, especially children, should be released.

They asked that the Biden administration place children in licensed facilities “as quickly as possible,” to release them without delay and to always place them in safe and sanitary facilities appropriate for their age, special needs and concern with their vulnerability.

They did not intend to cause collateral damage, but they did so in spite of their motives.

The National Center for Youth Law said it compiled its complaint after interviewing 180 migrant children during the past five months.

Its harrowing firsthand accounts confirm what many conservatives have said all along: Biden’s refusal to secure the border has inflamed an unprecedented disaster that not only hurts Americans who live in border cities but also endangers the illegal aliens themselves.

As expected, Democrats and corporate media partners have remained silent on these shocking accounts of child abuse systemic.

These are the same groups who screeched incessantly about then-President Donald Trump “putting children in cages” built during the Obama administration.

Meanwhile, Biden is doing everything Trump was accused of — and more — while Democrats and their media puppets blithely turn a blind eye.

That tells you all you need to know about whether they have America’s best interests at heart in anything they say or do. They don’t — and you shouldn’t forget that.

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