/Border Crisis Spiraling Out Of Control As Migrant Size Doubles

Border Crisis Spiraling Out Of Control As Migrant Size Doubles

The disaster at South Border is getting worse.

A recent surge has seen an increase in illegal immigrants living under Del Rio International Bridge. It now numbers over 8,200.

They are currently awaiting “processing from the U.S. Border Patrol.”

According to Bill Melugin, Fox News correspondent, the situation is “out-of-control.”

Melugin stated, “Our drone is back over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX. Per source, the number of migrants waiting to be processed has now swelled to approx 8,200.”

“It was 4,000 yesterday AM. Doubled in one day. BP overwhelmed, & I’m told situation is ‘out of control,’” Melugin added.

Take a look:

“Law enforcement source on the ground at the bridge this morning just sent me this video showing the situation there,” Melugin stated.

“I’m told a large majority of the migrants are Haitians and more are crossing into the US and arriving at the bridge by the minute. BP w/ limited manpower,” he added.

“Our drone is currently over the international bridge in Del Rio, TX, where Border Patrol & law enforcement sources tell us over 4,200 migrants are waiting to be apprehended after crossing into US,” Melugin said in a tweet.

“Local BP holding facilities are overwhelmed and over capacity,” he continued.

“A source on the ground sent us this video showing thousands of migrants under the international bridge in Del Rio, TX with more showing up constantly,” he stated.

“We’re told the situation there is getting worse every day and the numbers are growing by the hour.”

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