/Governor Cuomo Slanders Unvaccinated Americans

Governor Cuomo Slanders Unvaccinated Americans

The Biden administration will soon view unvaccinated Americans as “enemies” of the state if it hasn’t been already.

The violent and hateful rhetoric against unjabbed Americans is intensifying by the day, and it will soon explode. Bill de  stated that the unvaxxed must be “shaken”, Andrew Cuomo suggested they should be “thrown into a car”, while Biden claimed they are “not as smart” as he thought.

Fredo Cuomo is now ramping up hate and placing a target directly on the backs of the unvaxxed.

Anchor Don Lemon began with the slander by saying that he was still confused by misinformation about the vaccine. People are refusing to be vaccinated, and refusing to wear masks. It seems that it is getting worse every day. But I don’t mean this. It’s the people who are dying and are coming down with it, especially children… It’s just so heartbreaking.

Cuomo responded with insults, “People seen with significant cases and hospitalizations are getting younger. Part of the metric here is ignorance, but part of it is also arrogance, this misplaced sense of righteous indignation, and resistance that they believe is a false manifestation of freedom. This is not an issue of freedom. Of course, you have freedom to make choices about your own body. Let’s put to the side the irony that so many of these people don’t want to afford that freedom to women,”

Watch below:

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