/Pelosi Gets Brutal Welcoming When She Shows Up in England

Pelosi Gets Brutal Welcoming When She Shows Up in England

According to The Western Journal, Nancy Pelosi was confronted in England by protestors who ordered her to “Go back home to Epstein Island” while shouting to her that Trump won.

“The whole world knows that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, Nancy!” stated a member of the crowd.

“Shame on you!” heckled another.

“You’re not welcome here! Go home!” insisted others.

“Get back to Epstein’s island! Get back to Jeffrey Epstein’s pedo island, Nancy!” ordered some the protestors that received the Speaker of the House, according to reports.

Pelosi was not linked to Epstein’s Island flights, but she was in the country to meet with leaders of parliament. She criticized Trump’s followers and Republicans in an interview.

Pelosi stated that Trump had created a “cult” and “hijacked” the Republican Party during a public conversation at the Cambridge Union Society at Cambridge University.

Pelosi said to the group; “I say to my Republican friends — and I do have some — take back your party.”

Twitter posted a portion of the conversation.

Pelosi didn’t address the brutality of the Chinese government using genocide against the Uighur population to combat climate change when she was asked about it. She instead focused on the climate.

“Having said all of that …we have to work together on climate. Climate is an overriding issue and China is the leading emitter in the world, and the U.S., too, and developed world, too, but we must work together. So we can have a level of communication, whether it’s COVID, whether it’s terrorism, or whether it’s climate,” Pelosi said to a interviewer.

Pelosi promoted Joe Biden’s foreign policies during the interview, despite recent problems resulting from a U.S. Drone attack that killed 10 civilians including 7 children, and a dispute with France over a submarine agreement with Australia.

The Speaker said that Biden was “perfect” and is confident that the nation’s top Democrat “knows his foreign policy”.

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