/Psaki Loses it After Reporter Compares Biden to Trump on Border

Psaki Loses it After Reporter Compares Biden to Trump on Border

After Michael Shear, a New York Times reporter, suggested that President Joe Biden was acting a lot like President Donald Trump in his approach to the southern border policy, Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, lost her temper.

“There’ve been a number of issues in the last, say, several weeks in which advocates, allies of the president, are describing him as Trump-like, less in terms of his personality in sort of tone and tenor, obviously, but in terms of policy,” Shear stated during the press briefing.

“Even today, a representative of the Cuban government describing the frustration with the president continuing to maintain Trump-era policies vis-à-vis Cuba,” he continued to add.

“What’s the president’s reaction, and does he accept that in some areas of policy he is in agreement with the former president?” Shear asked, also noting “Afghanistan, immigration,” as areas where Biden has been compared to Trump.

“So just for the sake of argument here, not argument, but discussion, beyond the representative of the Cuban government … who are we talking about here? Who is saying that the president is like Trump?” Psaki snapped back.

“There have been numerous on-the-record descriptions of the president embracing, and it’s actually in some ways just a factual thing—” Shear replied.

“But like on what policy?” Psaki whined. “On what policy, sir? You can name people or what specific policies?”

Check Out What The Daily Wire reports:

Shear referenced the withdrawal from Afghanistan, something Trump had also intended to complete, and Title 42, a health law that allows immigration authorities to expel migrants during health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Trump administration cited Title 42 last year in order to deport migrants quickly before allowing them to apply for asylum, arguing that detaining them in the U.S. posed the danger of spreading the virus.

n the last several weeks, the Biden administration defended its decision to continue using Title 42 to expel thousands of migrants, most of them from Haiti, amid criticism from Democrats and immigration advocates.

Psaki replied by saying that Title 42 is a public health requirement because we are in the middle of an epidemic. Which, by the way we would have made significant progress on if the former president had actually addressed the pandemic rather than suggesting people inject bleach.”

“So I think we’re in a bit of a different place. I’m happy to discuss more examples. I think people would be pretty hard-pressed to argue that the president has taken any aspect of the former president’s playbook and used it as a model of his own,” she continued to state.


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