/White House Schedule Comes Out And Americans Are Utter Disbelief

White House Schedule Comes Out And Americans Are Utter Disbelief

Joe Biden refuses to answer questions from the media, leaving the country in complete disbelief at his disastrous decision-making that led to the Afghanistan disaster.

Biden was spotted at Camp David, the presidential retreat. Republicans have criticized Biden’s “vacation” in the midst of crisis when thousands of Americans were trapped in Afghanistan.

Biden retreated to Camp David on Tuesday for a speech about Afghanistan. However, he left without answering any questions.

On Wednesday, Biden threatened governors who were resisting Covid rules. Biden ran again, but he didn’t answer any questions.

Biden did a softball interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, but the clips emerging so far are “completely ridiculous” according to Kyle Becker at Becker News.

Despite all the questions that the media has about Afghanistan, Americans now know the truth.

“No press briefing tomorrow, per White House schedule,” RealClearNews’ Philip Melanchthon Wegmann reported.

Instead, Biden is going back on vacation. “You can’t make this stuff up,” Becker stated.

“President Biden, who has spent the last few days traveling between the White House and Camp David, is scheduled to head to Delaware for a long weekend,” WMAL reported. “That’s according to the FAA’s website.”

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