/Biden Starts Randomly Yelling during Bizarre Speech

Biden Starts Randomly Yelling during Bizarre Speech

Biden isn’t the best public speaker in the world. He’s either running from the press or ranting about something, and not in an inspiring way, when he’s not creepily whispering into the microphone, making some very cringey statement about whatever is on his dementia-addled mind at the time.

When debating the expense of insulin during a speech in Pennsylvania, he used that final method, rising from a whisper to a weird roar.

In his speech, he wants us to imagine being a parent earning the minimum wage or double the minimum pay and having a child with type one diabetes, knowing that if you can’t afford the insulin and don’t have insurance, the child may die.

He further explained that it deprives us of our dignity, in addition to your child. Imagine looking at your child and knowing exactly what they require but being unable to provide it. Many of you have experienced the loss of a child. Many of you have seen it, and I say it’s outrageous.

Joe should know by now that yelling at the crowd in a sharp manner isn’t encouraging; it only makes him look like a dementia patient who hasn’t received his oatmeal on time.

The speech was meant to be on infrastructure, but he ended up talking about insulin, which is really difficult to employ as a construction material.

Furthermore, the issue he was yelling about, insulin pricing, is one for which he bears responsibility. President Trump reached an agreement with insulin manufacturers to reduce the cost by 66 percent to $35 for Medicare patients, a move that would have aided individuals who were struggling to pay for it if Brandon had maintained the rule in place.

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