/Biden’s Newest Inflation Take is Insane

Biden’s Newest Inflation Take is Insane

Are you upset that inflation has surpassed the previous forty-year high and could be substantially higher than the 7.5 percent claimed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics? President Biden appears to be completely unaware of what is going on.

In fact, in a recent, quite unsettling perspective on the inflation situation, he admitted that he has no idea what’s going on, much less how to stop it.

Despite Biden’s best efforts, his empty words and admissions of ignorance are unlikely to bring Americans peace of mind at this time.

Why? Because not only is the official inflation rate at 7.5 percent year over year, but real inflation, which affects ordinary people when they need to buy items, is far greater.

In fact, it’s grown so bad that even government journalists are remarking on how unexpected some price increases are.

For example, used cars are 40.5 percent more expensive than last year, gas to fuel them is 40% more expensive, renting a car is 29 percent more expensive than last year, utilities to heat your home are 24% more expensive, staying away from home in a hotel is 21% more expensive, and furnishing your home is 20% more expensive.

There’s also the price of feeding your family. Bacon is 18 percent more expensive, steak is 17 percent more expensive, and peanut butter is 15.5 percent more expensive, as she points out. Pork, fish, eggs, poultry, and oranges all saw price rises in the double digits.

Those are significant price hikes for the regular working individual, who has to go to work every day rather than getting bags full of money from Red China and Ukraine through his unscrupulous son’s conduit.

While Biden may claim he has no idea what’s going on and that we should stay calm, he’s speaking from the perspective of an oligarch who doesn’t have to care about such minor details. The people he’s talking to, on the other hand, need to pay close attention to the financial situation he’s put them in.

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