/Leftist Actress Slammed for Making Fun of NYPD Funeral

Leftist Actress Slammed for Making Fun of NYPD Funeral

The NYPD organized a big march along New York’s iconic 5th Avenue in honor of killed officer Jason Rivera. Thousands of cops paraded in remembrance and honor of a fellow officer who was shot and killed by a thug, with many more New Yorkers showing support and sympathy with the officers.

Though the majority of New Yorkers supported and praised the officers, notably Officer Rivera, a few radicals went on rants. Susan Sarandon, an actress, was one of the leftists who uploaded a photo of the funeral procession with the caption:

 “I’m gonna tell my kids this is what fascism looks like.”

Then she further posted: “So, if all these cops weren’t needed for CRIME that day, doesn’t that mean they aren’t needed ANY day?”

As expected, and understandably so, the people did not take this lightly. Susan Sarandon was slammed for her insensitivity. People commented that she was brutal and equally disrespectful. Some called her comment garbage, childish and altogether thoughtless.

Another person remarked on her hypocrisy, pointing out that she attacks cops but has armed guards protecting her mansion.

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